Thursday, December 23, 2010

Refashion: Batik Dress

Kemarin saya sempatkan untuk merapikan baju-baju saya yang sudah bertumpuk tidak karuan di dalam lemari... Karena sudah berjubel terlalu banyak, sebagian baju yang sudah tidak terpakai terpaksa harus dikeluarkan. Diantara baju-baju tersebut, saya temukan tank top yang setelah saya ingat-ingat belum sekalipun pernah saya pakai.

Well... karena saya merasa sayang untuk menyingkirkannya, jadi barang yang satu ini tetap saya pertahankan. Saya kemudian mulai berpikir untuk mengubahnya menjadi sesuatu yang berbeda...

Just a simple idea... Dan hasil akhirnya seperti ini... :)

Saya menggunakan kain batik yang merupakan barang bekas (sebelumnya ini sprei :p...). Karena kain dan warnanya masih bagus, saya pakai saja...

Saya juga tambahkan kancing hias agar hasilnya semakin manis... Hmmm... jadi punya baju baru lagi deh...


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bed Rest For A Moment

Beberapa minggu ini saya benar-benar tak berdaya dan diharuskan untuk bed rest selama 2 minggu. Well... saya pikir awalnya hanya flu biasa... tapi ternyata setelah cek lab, terbukti + typus. Untungnya belum parah sekali, tapi untuk jaga-jaga pak dokter bilang tetep harus istirahat total dan makan makanan yang alus-alus. Badan nih rasanya lemes banget, terus suhu badan juga naik turun gak karuan. Kalau pagi kayak orang sehat, begitu menginjak sore mulai deh kumat, pasti suhunya dah mo nyampek 38-39. Kemaren pas tau blog ini acak-acakan gara-gara account saya diblokir tinypic, suhu badan saya sempet naik lagi, maklum saya kesel banget. Untungnya saya cepet-cepet istighfar (buset dah....), masak cuman gara-gara beginian saya jadi sakit lagi... ugh... gak... lah... yaw... Hari ini saya seharian nge-repair blog ini, sayangnya ada beberapa photo yang udah ilang, jadi terpaksa postingannya saya hilangkan sementara. Saya gak bakalan bikin account di tinypic lagi, sekarang saya pake photobucket. Emang lebih lama dan kurang praktis seh... tapi saya rasa photobucket lebih kredibel. Ok... sekian curhat saya hari ini... semoga esok menjadi hari yang lebih baik dan saya bisa cepet sembuh ...


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pictures was broken

Saya sangat kecewa dengan layanan, tanpa pemberitahuan account saya di-block begitu saja. Padahal sebagian besar photo yang saya upload di blog ini menggunakan layanan tinypic. sepengetahuan saya, saya belum melaumpaui kuota memori yang diberikan, terlebih lagi konten photo saya tidak berhubungan dengan SARA... Jujur saya secara pribadi sangat kesal, saya membangun blog ini bukan dalam waktu yang singkat dan untuk merepairnya bukan pekerjaan gampang karena membutuhkan waktu dan biaya yang tidak sedikit.

Agggghhhhrrrr!!!! bener-bener gak pro!!!!! I'M VERY MAD!!!!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Featured Project

Seneng banget bisa nampang di featured project... :) walau hanya sehari...


Monday, October 4, 2010

Brown Rabbit Felt Brooch

Brown rabbit... yeah... ini bros felt yang baru saja saya selesaiakan..
Idenya bukan orisinal milik saya. Beberapa saat yang lalu, saya melihat bros kelinci yang dijual di Etsy.

Kelincinya kelihatan manis sekali.. hm.. jadi pengen.. akhirnya saya coba membuatnya dalam versi saya sendiri. dan beginilah hasilnya... :)

Wah... lucu... tapi rasanya saya terlalu tua untuk memakai benda seperti ini, jadi saya jadikan bros ini sebagai hadiah untuk keponakan saja...


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Lesson

Sudah lebih dari sebulan saya tidak mengupdate blog ini. Belakangan ini saya sedang belajar bermain keyboard sehingga waktu luang untuk menjahit menjadi berkurang. Bermain musik sebenarnya sangat menyenangkan, beberapa tahun yang lalu saya sempat belajar gitar, tapi karena jari-jari tangan saya pendek membuat saya kesulitan untuk mencapai kunci-kunci tertentu, akhirnya saya menyerah dan tidak belajar lagi. Akhir-akhir ini saya tertarik kembali untuk belajar musik. Bermain keyboard ternyata asik juga, saya jadi sangat excited ketika bisa menyelesaikan satu lagu.

Saat ini saya sedang belajar salah satu theme song drama korea Full House. Untuk pemula lagu ini tidak terlalu menyulitkan karena temponya tidak cepat. Kalau anda juga tertarik untuk belajar, anda bisa unduh piano sheet-nya disini dan melihat versi you tube-nya...


Monday, August 30, 2010

Rabbit Couple Felt Dolls

This week I try working with felt and in a sudden I got an idea to create a rabbit couple dolls...

I draw the pattern my self. If you like to make your own, just find the template here. The process are as follows:

First, prepare the basic tools & materials required, there are: felt (skin color), thread + needle, scissors, glue, and dacron. You can also prepare additional materials such as: embroidery/knitting yarn, beads, ribbons/lace, or flowers to fancy up the doll.

Second, trace the doll pattern onto the felt. For a doll, trace the body part 2 times. Then, cut out all the pieces.

Draw the face expression with water soluble marker. Then, stitch the face using backstitch. Add the ornaments, here I add a piece of black felt bow tie for the male doll and, crochet flower and lace for the female doll. You could also add blush on into the female's face to make it more dainty.

Put the body part together using blanket stitch. Leave the bottom side.

Stuff the body with dacron. You can use the help of a stick or the tip of scissors to insert dacron into the ear.

And the last, attach the bottom part using blanket stitch.

These felt dolls are really so quick and easy to make. They're great as wedding gift or decoration...


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Freeze In Front of TV

Last week my sister got full series of Nodame Cantabile live action, so I decided to spent this weekend just watching on it. This drama based on hit comic book by Tomoko Ninomiya and aired first time by Fuji TV on 2006.

The drama opened by Chiaki Shinichi, who is one of the most talented music student at the Momogaoka Music Academy. However, his ambition to become a conductor and study under the renowned Sebastiano Viera puts him at odds with his piano teacher, Etou. Chiaki’s fear of flying prevents him from leaving Japan to become Viera’s student. After being dropped from Etou’s class, which leads to Chiaki also being dumped by his girlfriend, Tagaya Saiko, Chiaki meets by accident with a bizarre, messy girl, Noda Megumi (who insists on being called “Nodame”), the 3rd grade student in Momogaoka. Nodame is an extremely talented pianist who wants to be a preschool teacher, she prefers playing by ear rather than reading the music score. She is messy and disorganized, takes baths several days apart and loves to eat, sometimes stealing her friend's lunchbox when it is filled with delicacies.

Chiaki doesn’t like Nodame, but is strangely drawn to her. On the other hand, Nodame almost instantly falls in love with Chiaki, but it takes much longer for Chiaki to even begin to appreciate Nodame's unusual qualities. Their relationship causes them both to develop and grow. Along the way, they meet some crazy people (like Masumi, Mine, and Stresemann) and make lasting friendships. Because of Nodame, Chiaki gets the opportunity to lead a student orchestra and begins to have a broader appreciation of people's musical abilities. Because of Chiaki, Nodame faces her fears and enters a piano competition. Opportunities open up as both begin taking risks, stretching themselves far more than they ever thought possible.

I love this drama, the characters was varies and unique. I play it several times but never getting bored.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Week End Inspiration

Found this on

Beautiful combination between checked and floral print.
I feel totally inspired about how the pattern mixed n want to make something like this.
I put this idea into my To Do List Project of this week.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Butterfly Babydoll Dress

Initially I made this babydoll dress for my self, but after finished it I don't feel comfortable with the neckline. Since I made it in all size, I give it to my mom.

Here is the design

I had work out the design pretty good, I use trumpet sleeve, u neckline and ruffles.
Unfortunately I cut the neckline too low. Luckily the dress fit to my mom and it became hers now


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Craft Idea

I found Japanese craft book and it's totally amazing...

This book include a variety projects like book cover, cellphone strap, pillow cover, but bag are mostly. That charming stuff made from natural fibers like linen and cotton.

At the back of the book there are patterns and instructions for all projects.
I think the "how to" section are very clear and easy to follow, although I don't know what the instructions said.
Everything look stunning n I can't hardly wait to create my own project... \^0^/
